Kissed By A Demon Spy Read online

Page 9

  She touched her lips where she could still imagine the sensual onslaught of his mouth. Maybe he was waiting for her to make the first move this time. Could she? I’m sure he wouldn’t mind…

  Dash turned from the spot he was inspecting and charged over to Garnet. “Mom! I saw rabbit poop!”

  She giggled. “Well, that’s always fascinating.”

  “It was like, this big.” Dash pinched his thumb and first finger together and squinted at them.

  “You didn’t touch it, did you?” Garnet scrunched her nose.

  “No way! That would be gross.”

  “Good. Now I need you to go inside and start on your homework before dinner.”

  “Aw, I wanna look for more fun stuff.” He kicked at the grass.

  Ty came around the side of the building, tool box in hand. “Gonna tighten up the washers on the big sink, Garnet. I noticed a little drip yesterday.”

  “Thank you, Ty. Can you keep an eye on this one?” She looked down at Dash and smoothed his hair. “You go inside with Ty. Tomorrow you can explore more out here. And we’ll work with more plants too.”

  “Okay.” He walked to the French doors, hands in his pockets, as Ty followed him.

  “Don’t forget to wash your hands!” she called.


  Garnet stared after him, amazed that he sounded like six-going-on-sixteen. At least he listened to her.

  “Whatcha thinking, sugar?” Aden’s voice rumbled over her.

  She shook her head and took a breath. “Just thinking about Dash.”

  “He’s a good kid. You should be proud.”

  “Thank you.”

  “I mean it. He have a dad?”

  She raised her eyes to his. Here it comes the question I can’t avoid forever. She bit her lip, not sure if she was ready to tell Aden about the arrangement between her and Dash’s father, Marco. “Yes. His dad died while I was pregnant, so he never knew him.”

  “Your mate?” A faint growl cut through his tone.


  “No?” Aden’s voice dropped to a menacing rasp. “Did someone—”

  She shook her head, not wanting him to speak the question. “No.”

  The look Aden gave her said he wasn’t through with the subject, but he remained silent.

  She sighed in relief. Attaching words to her situation with Marco made it seem so callous and crude, when in fact she hadn’t been treated badly. And even though her choice was either him, or try to fend off other males, it had still been her choice. Just like now. Her choice to tell Aden or not.

  He stared at her as if trying to read between the lines. “Well, I’m sorry you lost someone who was decent to you. Can’t have been too common, from what I hear.”

  She shifted her feet. “Thanks. It’s okay. Like I said, it was a long time ago.” She really needed to change the subject. “So, um, tonight’s menu?”

  He studied her for a second and she tried to paste on her best nonchalant face, grateful when he went along with the new topic. “Yeah.” He rubbed a hand over his jaw. “Let’s go over that. You wanna use any of this?” He pointed to the herbs, which were already doing better than on her first day. “Looks great, by the way.”

  “Green chile enchiladas with a choice of fillings, and fresh salsa, for one item.” Dinner items, the perfect distraction. Well, almost. The demon in front of her was distracting enough on his own.

  “You have enough peppers for the spice lovers?”

  “Yes. And then roast beef with potatoes, carrots, and celery.”

  “Sounds good. Keep talking while we get some things from the root cellar. I’ll bring more potatoes up. I noticed you’re low.”

  She followed him along the back of the inn to a door set into the ground at an angle. Ten wooden steps led down into the packed earth shelter that was fortified with sturdy timbers along the walls and ceiling. Shelves lined the space, and it was tall enough for Aden to stand. Here he stored habañero peppers, potatoes, carrots, squash, garlic, onions, rice—a variety of items that didn’t need to be refrigerated.

  He still didn’t have a shirt on. Garnet listed the rest of her menu ideas, but she was only half paying attention to anything but his well-defined muscles. They bunched and flexed with each—Yelping, she missed the last step and stumbled forward.

  Aden whirled and caught her. “Whoa. You okay?” He held her closely, one arm around her waist and one gripping her bicep.

  “Yes.” The smooth skin of his chest was inches away. She licked her lips, dying for a taste of him. Her heart hammered in her chest. Slowly, she raised her eyes, moving up to his neck, his square stubbled jaw and full lips, before stopping at his molten silver gaze.

  That look again. Like he wants to devour me. But he didn’t move. Didn’t pull her closer, or let her go. He was so much bigger than she, a tower of dark strength. A protector. An ache started low in her belly and the need to push away her past rode her hard. Still holding his gaze, she leaned in and pressed her mouth to his broad pecs.

  Aden’s vision went black at the gentle touch of Garnet’s lips, and when she moved along his muscles, licking with her tiny tongue, he groaned. He knotted a hand into her thick dark hair, holding her in place. Her mouth was hot, her lips skilled. Fuck. He dropped his head back and let her sweet scent surround him.

  Lavender…and a distinctly feminine perfume. Garnet was turned on. The spicy-sweet fragrance of her arousal mixed into the lavender and curled its way into his mind, destroying every thought that wasn’t about her tight little body.

  “Fuck, baby.” It’d been too long since he’d kissed her. Using his grip on her hair, he tilted her head back and bent to claim her mouth.

  She whimpered and opened for him. He swept his tongue into her mouth, tangling with her own, exploring and plundering. Mine. The thought screamed in his head. She’s mine. He didn’t stop to think about it. He couldn’t think at all, not when her hands were busy learning every inch of his back and abs.

  Her hands dropped to his ass and squeezed. He returned the favor, cupping her bottom and shifting her so her legs straddled his thigh. He sucked her tongue, needing every drop of honeyed sweetness she could give.

  Her hand grazed his fly and his hips jacked toward her. He growled, barely holding back the need that rode him hard. He didn’t know what shit she had been through, but he didn’t want to push her into anything too soon. First, he’d pleasure her.

  He scooped both hands under her ass and carried her to a wall near the stairs, where there were no shelves. But there was an empty wooden crate on the floor. Kicking it into place, he set her on it. Now they were almost the same height. “Just one rule, sugar. Don’t touch my horns. Not if you wanna be able to walk around my kitchen tonight.”

  Her lips sought him again with a desperation echoed in her breathy moans and gasps. “Okay. No h-h—”

  He stole her words, capturing her mouth in a savage kiss. Her arms wound round his neck and rested on his shoulders. Her breasts pressed against him, too tempting to pass up. Loosening her arms from his shoulders, he grabbed the hem of her T-shirt and yanked it up over her head.

  His cock swelled at the sight of her full creamy breasts spilling over the edges of her blue bra. He cupped her, shaping and squeezing, before dotting kisses along the top edge. Her lavender scent was more concentrated at her cleavage and he inhaled deeply. He reached around her back to unhook her bra and slipped it off.

  Soft hands alighted on his shoulders once again, and her breath came in gasps, making her breasts rise and fall enticingly. Rosy nipples stood up, stiff and hard, begging for his touch.

  “Look at me.” His voice came out rougher than he intended.

  Her dark eyes met his, heavy lidded with lust. He dragged the back of one hand down, his knuckles moving over her swollen tip. She let out a shaking breath.

  “You like that?”

  She nodded, biting her lip.

  He repeated it on her other side. She moaned and squirmed,
shifting her legs. A fresh burst of arousal permeated the air. He dropped one hand to her jeans and made quick work of her button and zipper. Leaning in, he took her lobe between his lips. “I need to touch you.”

  “Please,” she whispered.

  Her body was on fire, a sweet feast that he couldn’t wait to sample. His hand slipped into her pants, finding a scrap of silk covered her. “So wet, sugar.” He nibbled her ear. “You want me?”

  “Y-yes.” She rocked against his hand, like she was trying to get him where she wanted him.

  He chuckled, and stilled his hand. She whimpered, and her whimper turned into a gasp when he flicked his thumb over her nipple. It stiffened and she made a frustrated feminine sound.

  Pleased, he toyed with her nipple more. It was swollen and getting redder, like a berry. God, he had to taste her. He dropped his head to capture it between his lips. At the same time, he moved his hand back and forth between her legs, teasing her heated flesh over her panties.

  “Oh god.” She dropped her head forward, kissing his hair. Hot and tempting, her breath skated across his horns, making his cock throb.

  He sucked her other nipple, and used his fingers to play with the first one. Holy hell, her body was a fucking fantasy. He sucked, played and stroked until she was writhing against him. “Aden!” She clutched his shoulders. “Don’t stop!”

  “I’ll never stop, sugar. I’ve got you.”

  Her body bucked against him, and she held on, her short fingernails digging into his shoulders. She shuddered, riding the sensation until she sagged against him, her face buried in his chest.

  Her heart pounded so wildly he could hear it. The pulse point at her neck ticking in time with it, and he stroked her hair as it slowed.

  Garnet sniffled.

  Aden froze as moisture trickled down his chest.

  “Shit, baby, what’s wrong? Was that too much?”

  Her sniffle turned into a sob. What the fuck? He’d never had a female burst into tears after giving her an orgasm.

  “Garnet. Talk to me, sugar. What did I do?”

  She backed up against the wall and crossed her arms over her chest like she was trying to hide her body. “It’s not you, it’s m-me.” Tears raced down her porcelain cheeks.

  He retrieved her shirt and bra, hoping that made her feel a little better. “What do you mean, it’s you? You’re amazing.”

  She donned her clothing and sat down on the crate, then dropped her head into her hands. “I’m…I’m disgusting. Dirty. I shouldn’t have kissed you.”

  He crouched in front of her. “I’ll be the judge of that. I liked everything about that kiss. And who in the living hell would ever say you’re disgusting?”

  The look she gave him was so haunted it broke his heart. “I wasn’t just a kitchen slave. I…” Shadows darkened her beautiful eyes, dimming the gold flecks. Her voice was a broken whisper. “I was a thrall slave too.”

  All the air rushed out of Aden’s lungs. A thrall slave? Fury buzzed through his veins. This beautiful, delicate female, kidnapped at fifteen, and forced into that life? A growl started low in his throat and he paced away to avoid scaring her.

  He’d never wanted to beat the ever-living shit out of someone like he did this minute.

  Her sobs echoed behind him. “I-I’ll go. I’m sor—”

  In a blur of movement, he darted across the cellar and grabbed her arm. “The hell you will.”

  She dropped her head. Her shoulders shook and her tears splashed a pattern on her tan work boots.

  “A hundred and seventy-two years? As a fucking plaything for those—” He couldn’t say it. His breath sawed in and out of his lungs. No. That was too long for any female to endure. How had she survived?

  “Not the whole t-time.” Her whole body trembled. She still stared at her feet. “It was only with Drant. When Draven took over, he didn’t want his father’s thralls. He l-let me cook.”

  “Let you? That cocksucker.”

  “Any slaves he didn’t have a use for, he k-killed. Girls I knew—ow!”

  Aden’s gaze dropped to her shaking wrist. His fists had clenched in his effort to not explode. Too tight on her delicate skin. Goddamn it. “Aw fuck, baby. I’m sorry.” He pulled her into his arms, where she fit against him perfectly. Forcing the anger from his voice, he tried instead for reassuring. Not something he’d done very often. “Don’t cry, sugar. It wasn’t your fault.”

  “Y-yes it was. I did horrible things.”

  “He made you do things. Threatened your life. You had no choice. None at all. I’ve heard about how Drant and his sons treated their thralls. Those motherfuck—”

  “You know?” she wailed. “Then you know the kind of life I led. The things I did. Oh God, I have to go.” She tried to pull out of his embrace.

  He kept her right where she was. “Garnet. You’re not going anywhere. Look at me.”

  “I can’t.” Her muffled voice drifted up from his chest.

  “Yes, you can.”

  “I’m ashamed. I h-hate that part of me.” Her words trailed off into a fresh round of sobs.

  His rage traded places with compassion. An overwhelming need to assuage her fears, erase her thoughts of unworthiness, took over. “You don’t have to be ashamed of something you couldn’t control. Your choice was taken away from you. You were treated like property. That’s not your fault.”

  “I-I should have tried something, anything…”

  “You’re all of five feet nothing, a plant pixie, and that place is full of asshole guards armed to the teeth. You were trapped. Drant knew that. Nothing about this is your fault.”

  “It feels like it is,” she whispered. “I feel like I’m tainted. Ruined.”

  “Look at me.” He slid a finger under her chin and gently tilted her head back.

  Her dark eyes swam in a vortex of defeated tears.

  “Garnet. You’re beautiful. Talented and kind. A good mother.”

  Her face twisted and she slumped in his hold as more tears raced down her cheeks. “I’m a mother,” she whispered. “Because I slept with a guard in return for protection.”

  “What?” He pulled back, incredulous and furious. “Some asshole made you—”

  “No, he didn’t make me. That’s the thing. He offered. His protection in exchange for…me.”

  He snorted. “Fuck, that dick of a guard took advantage of you.” Anger sparked anew at her vulnerability. Aden bet this guard wasn’t the first to offer Garnet his protection.

  “It was either take his offer or I’d be at the mercy of the others.” She pushed a tear-soaked strand of hair out of her eyes. “They were ordered not to beat or attack the slaves. But they did, all the time. They tried to get away with as much as they could. He—”

  Aden laid a finger on her lips. “You don’t have to say it.”

  She shook her head. “No, I do. Dash’s father—Marco—he was a mountain elf. He wasn’t as big as the other guards but he was the best marksman at the compound. He was nice to me. He never forced me. And he did look out for me. Guards who insulted me, or tried to touch me—they felt his arrows the next time they were outside.”

  “Draven let him kill?” Aden couldn’t imagine the leader allowing his brawny guards to be picked off over a female.

  “No. They just always happened to be too close to his target practice.” She sniffed. “Anyway, it was an arrangement. We both fulfilled our part.”

  “And then you had Dash.”

  “Yes.” She managed a weak smile through her tears. “He wasn’t part of the plan, but I can’t imagine life without him.”

  “He’s a great kid.” Aden hadn’t spent much time around kids, never thought about having his own, but he’d already grown attached to Dash. The boy was perceptive and funny, despite being raised in hellish conditions. And all the credit for that went to the woman in front of him. “He’s all pixie? No elf?” When species interbred, resulting offspring were usually either the same as one parent or the other. But on
ce in a while, a child was born with traits of both.

  “It seems so. He coaxed the sage to grow today.” She traced a pattern down Aden’s chest. “Not that I’ve ever given him a bow and told him to shoot anything.”

  “That can wait.” He stroked her hair. “You’ve done a kick-ass job with him. And you’re one brave, tough female.”

  Her lower lip trembled and her brows furrowed. “Me?”

  “Yes, you.” He cupped her face in his hands. “We all have things in our lives that we’re not proud of. Maybe we had a choice in the matter, and maybe not. We all have different stories. But yours is still unfolding. Look at where you are, after years in that shit hole. You’re back with people who adore you. People who want to see you happy.” He framed her face with his hands. “I want to see you happy. And I’ll do whatever I can to make that happen.”

  Her eyes widened. “You just met—”

  “Shh. I know we just met. But I already know that I will shift the goddamn stars in the sky if that’s what it takes to see you happy.”

  She blinked rapidly. “I don’t deserve you.”

  “No, sugar.” He clasped her hands in his and brought them to his mouth, kissing first one and then the other. “I’m the one who doesn’t deserve you.”

  More rapid blinking, and this time it did nothing to hold back a new swell of tears. Aden tucked her to his chest again, wishing he could lift the weight of shame off her slight shoulders and carry it for her. He ached for the sweet girl whose childhood had ended in such a brutal way, hurled into an adulthood of chains and perverted force. He’d kill Drant all over again if he got his hands on that male’s remains.

  He forced his thoughts away from that dangerous, violent edge, not wanting to alarm Garnet. Her sobs had died down to sniffles. Gods above, this woman deserved peace and happiness more than anyone he knew. She deserved stability and honesty. A male who would be at her side every night. Who didn’t need to hide the hazards of his job for fear that if she learned too much, she’d be in danger. A male who’d be there to help raise her son.