Kissed By A Demon Spy Read online

Page 6

“Yes. A bit nervous too.”

  “I bet that’s pretty standard. New place and all. Though I have to say, everyone I’ve met here has been incredibly friendly.” Aden folded his arms across his broad chest, stretching the charcoal gray T-shirt in all kinds of places.

  Wait. Garnet’s eyes zeroed in on a nasty cut on his bicep. “What happened to you? That looks awful.” She resisted the urge to step closer and touch his skin to get a better look. The wound was a few inches long, a straight line, surrounded by red puffy skin. Odd. Most predatory demons possessed accelerated healing. They didn’t usually have cuts unless they had come straight from battle.

  “Oh that?” Aden scowled at it. “Just a scrape. I was checking some loose shingles on the roof early this morning. Lost my balance.”

  Lost his balance? That was odd, too. Maybe he’s just clumsy. Wariness tugged at her consciousness, but she had no reason to doubt him. She barely knew him. “Maybe you should cover it, at least.”

  He shook his head. “Nah. It needs air. So,” he shoved a hand into his jeans pocket, “what are you up to?”

  “I offered to help the growers, but Pearl says they’ve all got it handled, at least for this week.” Don’t babble! Garnet took a breath and the motion swelled her breasts, making her remember her hand was still at her chest. She fiddled with a loose strand of her hair instead. “So, do you have family around here?”

  He gave a chin lift over her head. “Yeah, two of my cousins are at Old Ben’s place today.”

  “Old Ben?” The name stirred a potful of memories, all happy ones. “If he grows as many apples as I remember, they’ll be busy all week.” Garnet smiled at the images in her mind, of picking and eating apples at the town’s biggest orchard.

  “That’d be a good thing. Those two attract trouble.” His eyes twinkled, like white sparks on forged steel.

  So handsome. “Trouble?” she half murmured, half spoke. She should look away from his eyes, but her next option was his massive chest. She didn’t want to look lower. Well, she did, but she wouldn’t. Shoulders, those were safe, right?

  “The good kind. Pranks and stuff. Speaking of Ben,” Aden rocked back on his heels. “I have some of his famous cider. Chilled.”

  Cider. Her taste buds practically stood up and cheered. She hadn’t tasted any since she’d been taken away, and Ben’s was the best. “That sounds amazing.”

  “I aim for amazing.” He winked. “This way.”

  Oh my gods. Butterflies zoomed around her stomach and her cheeks heated. No one had flirted with her, ever. Drant and Draven had commanded her. She and Dash’s father had been an arrangement. She had no idea what a normal relationship was like. What am I thinking? No normal guy would want me.

  This isn’t a relationship, this is cider, silly.

  Aden turned toward the inn, tossing her a look that said he expected her to join him. And she was totally on board with that idea. She fell in step beside him, noting his slowed strides for her benefit. He was so tall, long legs eating up the ground. She barely reached his shoulder. “Do you have time? I don’t want to keep you from anything.”

  “Garnet, I have as much time as I want.”

  The way he rumbled her name sent a shiver all the way to her toes. “Oh.” With his hands shoved into his pockets, he looked like he didn’t have a worry in the world. “Still, you probably have a lot to keep you busy at the inn.”

  He arched a single eyebrow. “I make my own schedule, sugar.”

  The nickname skidded her to a halt. This was surreal. She gulped air, not sure why. She was flattered, scared and overwhelmed. By a nickname?

  “You okay?” He turned, reaching one hand out as if to steady her, and muscles rippled up his arms.

  Good gods. What is wrong with me? “No, I’m fine. Maybe just thirsty.”

  “That’s an easy fix. Up you go.” They had reached the stairs at the front of the inn. He placed his hand at the small of her back and guided her up to the wraparound porch, where he ushered her to a cushioned wicker chair. “Sit. I’ll be right back.”

  She complied, and when the screen door closed with a thunk, she allowed her shoulders to sag. Conflicting images bombarded her mind. So many things were the same in Ivydale, yet the presence of Aden and his inn hinted at more differences than she could imagine. She drew in a deep breath and blew it out slowly, forcing her heart to stop its samba. One thing at a time.

  She could talk to Aden. They were just talking. She lived in Ivydale now too. May as well get to know him. Then I can find out if he really is clumsy. If she could get her heart to stop doing backflips when he smiled at her.

  Heavy footfalls signaled his return and the springs of the screen door stretched as it opened, the metallic sound echoing in the quiet morning. Aden set two empty glasses and a pitcher of cider on a side table next to her. Filling both the glasses, he took the chair opposite her.

  She took a sip, and when the sweet gold liquid hit her tongue, she closed her eyes. “Mmm.” She took another drink, a gulp this time. “This is heaven. I’m so happy Ben still makes this. I had forgotten just how good it is.”

  She opened her eyes to find Aden staring at her as if she were the cider and he was lost in a desert. Despite her drink, her throat went dry and she couldn’t look anywhere else. Eyes of steel gray riveted her, coaxing her to let down her guard.


  “Um…” Garnet’s hand fluttered nervously at the neckline of her tank top. God help him, he’d been trying to avoid staring at her breasts, but her hand was like a beacon tracing the low V of her blue tank top. Her breasts, big for her petite frame, had been covered up yesterday. Even that little top she’d worn in the kitchen last night hadn’t showcased them like this.

  But today…hell if he could look away. Creamy flesh below delicate collarbones. Shoulders caressed by wavy locks. She wore khaki pants that clung perfectly to her slim hips. Her dark hair hung loosely around her face, which was as pale as her bare arms. Shit, of course they would be, since the sun barely shone at Stroehm.

  How much would she tell him? “So you’ve had this cider before?”

  She swallowed but didn’t look away. Good. Her eyes were too damn beautiful to look away from. Dark brown with flecks of gold too tiny to be discerned in his scrying bowl, but now in the sunlight, enchanting.

  Her hand left her neckline to twine into her hair. “I lived here a long time ago.”

  “You mentioned that yesterday.”

  Her eyes dropped and she shook her head slightly, then took a breath. Like she was debating with herself on what her next words should be. She heaved a sigh and looked back up. “I may as well tell you.”

  He watched a shadow flicker over her delicate cheekbones and already hated her imminent words.

  “When I was fifteen I was kidnapped and taken to Stroehm. Drant’s men were out on one of their patrols. I was alone that day, in the orchard.”

  “Drant?” Aden frowned as he did the math. “He was killed over a century ago.”

  “Yes.” She released a shaky breath

  No. The facts screamed like a garish sign, one he wanted to smash into pieces. Torn between not wanting to push her, but needing answers, his words tumbled out. “So…You were taken there…how long ago?”

  “A hundred and seventy-two years.” Her tone was flat, her eyes dull.

  What. The. Fuck?

  Aden’s hand clenched the arm of his chair so tightly that the wicker didn’t have a prayer of holding together. Snap.

  His vision went black with rage. Snap.

  That fucking long? Snap.

  He cursed every foul word he could think of. This beautiful creature, taken as a child and kept in that shithole? Her innocence destroyed, her life shattered. How in the living hell was she able to carry on like a normal fae? A growl rumbled in his throat. “I’d kill that bastard if he wasn’t already dead.”

  Garnet stared at him, wide eyes flicking from the broken spikes of wood, to his face.

  Shit. The l
ast thing he wanted to do was scare her. “Sorry. What that man and his sons did, or still do, is fucked. They need to be in their slaves’ position. See if they last a goddamn day.” Unable to sit still, he got up and paced the porch.

  “They’re dead now.” The corner of her mouth turned up, but the attempt at a smile didn’t reach her eyes.

  “Two are. Drant has two more sons. I’m damn sure they’ll move in any day, restore Stroehm to its hellish glory.”

  She swallowed. “Maybe they’ll think it’s a lost cause.”

  A place like that? Not likely. Money spoke volumes, and the gladiator fighting scene had greased Draven’s palms well, turning his operation into an oily, fucked up cesspool of death. “We can hope.” He took a drink of cider to try to cool the rage bubbling in his chest. “You worked in the kitchen?”

  “Yes. Dash too. He was always at my side.”

  Thank fuck. With that face and that body? He slid a glance to where she sat, silky hair cascading down her back. She was so gorgeous, Aden was surprised she hadn’t been a thrall. Both father and son had reputations of having many sex slaves, and subjecting them to more abuse and perversion than any creature should have to endure. Garnet’s face, even now, exuded a sweetness and kindness. Even after years of hell. Aden could only imagine the radiant beauty she was at fifteen. On the cusp of womanhood, she would’ve been irresistible.

  And the boy. It didn’t take a genius to see the tight bond between them. No wonder she’d been lingering within earshot of the school. “Is this the longest you’ve been apart from him?”

  “Yes. I bet he’s doing better than I am.”

  “You look like you’re holding up okay.”

  “I’m just glad Dash and I are here.” She squared her shoulders and sipped her cider.

  He sat down again and leaned forward in his chair, dangling his hands on his knees. “How did you get out? I mean, yeah, I met the Hunter and the porter. But how do you know them?”

  She swallowed. “Some friends sent…other friends.”

  Aden studied her. News traveled fast, but fast enough to get people inside? Something was off. No one walked out of Stroehm. “You lost me. Friends?”

  She sighed, her gaze drifting to a red hanging geranium. “I helped some people escape, and they promised to help me and Dash.”

  She may as well have drop kicked him into his newly sanded porch railing. “You what?” This tiny sweet female had aided in an escape? And she’d obviously been successful.

  “It’s a long story,” she whispered.

  He stared into the gold-flecked depths of her eyes, mesmerized by the mix of pain and steely resolve simmering in them. Gods above, he wanted to know everything about her, but he sensed he’d pushed enough for today. “I bet it is.”

  She looked back at the geranium. “This is healthy. You take good care of her.”

  Aden didn’t mind the abrupt change of subject. Hell, he was happy that his questions hadn’t sent her running. “Didn’t know plants had a gender. And I can’t take credit. Pearl comes over and waters all of my plants.”

  “I see.” She smiled. “Dash loved her shop. We stopped in yesterday.”

  “Did you get anything for yourself?”

  She shook her head. “No.”

  “Why not?”

  “Guess I’m not much of a candy person. Although,” a sweet smile danced across her face, “her caramel dipped apples are delicious. She’d make them after supper, when it got too dark to pick strawberries, and she used to let the town kids help. Said there were eight thousand apples and she only had two hands.” A giggle escaped her lush lips. “Pearl. I was glad to see her again.”

  “So you already knew a few things about cooking.”

  She nodded.

  “Like I mentioned, the job’s yours if you want it.” I want you around here. I’m yours if you want.

  What the fuck? Where did that come from? He was a spy. She was a former slave trying to rebuild her life. There would be no mine and yours. Not for him.

  Her eyes widened. “You haven’t tasted anything of mine.”

  He stifled a groan at her double entendre, probably unintentional. “Consider this discussion your job interview. Final decision will be made pending a meal.”

  She picked at a thread on her pants. “I…I still need to think about it…I don’t know what I’m going to do yet.”

  “Understandable.” He propped one ankle on his opposite knee. “I have a proposal.”

  “What?” Dark eyes flicked up to his. Did he detect a note of eagerness? Hmm.

  “Tomorrow night I’m expecting to fill some rooms, but the inn won’t be overly crowded. Cook a few things I can serve for the dinner crowd. That way I can ask the patrons, and it won’t just be my opinion. Which may be biased. And you can decide if you might like to do it again.”

  She blushed. “What if they don’t like my cooking?”

  “Do you think you’re a good cook?”


  “Look at me.”

  She looked up, wary confidence in her eyes. “Yes.”

  “Then I bet they will too.” He shot her a grin. “You’ll be fine.”


  LATE AFTERNOON THE NEXT DAY, Garnet stood in the inn’s big spotless kitchen, feeling alternately nervous and calm. I can do this wrestled with What if they don’t like my food?

  For some reason, she didn’t want to disappoint Aden, even if she decided not to take the job. He’d been kind and respectful, and she loved having a choice about her future. Big and powerful, muscle on muscle and so confident. He seemed to track her every movement, and while that could’ve made her skittish, nothing about him seemed malicious or creepy. His gray eyes held an intriguing mix of humor, sensuality, and something else she couldn’t name. Danger? There was more to him than what was on the surface, that was for sure.

  The question was, did she want to dig deeper? Or keep things at a cool, polite, stick-to-neutral-topics banter?

  Aden strode into the kitchen, stopping her thoughts. “White or blue?” He held up two aprons.

  “Blue.” She reached for it and put it on while he pointed out where all the oils and spices were located.

  “I have an herb garden out back, but it’s…well, I’ll just show you.” Aden opened the screen door and gestured for her to exit.

  Walking out to the back yard, she spotted a six-foot square patch of earth, with signs in neat rows, proclaiming the herbs growing behind them. Or rather, trying to grow. “I guess Pearl has more talent with flowers and candy than with herbs,” Garnet murmured. “Aw, this group just needs a little love.” She knelt and touched the leaves of a basil plant. “I’ll help you guys.”

  “Thank the gods.” Aden grinned and held up his hands. “I can fix a roof and lay a floor, but I have black thumbs.”

  She smiled. “Looks like I arrived just in time, then.” This herb garden would be thriving in no time. She’d coaxed herbs to grow at Stroehm of all places. Here in Ivydale, she’d be able to do even better.

  “I’d say you did.” Aden’s deep voice rumbled and her eyes reflexively snapped up to his. Storm gray, they seemed to see through to her soul. His scrutiny was both unnerving and calming, and she walked a line between wanting to tell him everything she’d been through, and wanting to keep the ugliness buried forever.

  “I should…” She couldn’t finish her thought, couldn’t look away. He stood between her and the door. “Tonight’s menu…” She bit her lip.

  His gaze dropped to her mouth. Oh God. She released her lip and gulped air. He was staring at her like he wanted to devour her, the same way he had when they’d talked on his porch yesterday. But she wasn’t afraid. For all his muscles and strength, she knew he wouldn’t hurt her. She’d been around many dangerous males, males who had no qualms about preying on weaker creatures. Aden wasn’t like that.

  But he has secrets.

  So do I.

  Fine, then. One day at a time. I’m just co
oking, remember? Mental battle over with, she cleared her throat. “The menu?”

  “Yes, the menu. Let’s go back inside.” He waited for her to pass him, then reached around to open the screen door for her.

  They sat on stools on opposite sides of one island, and settled on five different choices for the night. Three kinds of meat, a noodle dish, and sandwich option.

  Garnet washed her hands and retrieved a cutting board and knife. Grabbing a bag of carrots, she started chopping just as Dash came in through the French doors at the rear of the kitchen.

  “Hi sweetie!” She set her knife down and knelt to hug him. “How was math today?” She handed him a carrot slice.

  “Good.” He crunched noisily. “Guess what, my friend Logan and I played a new game at recess.”

  She snuck a glance at Aden over the top of Dash’s head, and found him grinning. “How fun! What was it called?”

  “Um, Dragons Ahoy.” He took off his backpack and hung it on a hook by the doors.

  Noisy footsteps from the front room had Aden on his feet and heading toward the hallway. “That’s probably a guest. Holler if you guys need anything.”

  Garnet spent the next hour chopping, slicing, and simmering, while Dash worked on a homework assignment. When he finished, he helped her rinse freshly-picked green beans and snap the ends off. “I like all these sinks in here. I can use one and so can you.”

  “That’s right, we can.” She scooped up the colander of clean beans and added them to a casserole dish, dropping a kiss on his head in the process. Completely in the zone, she moved with ease around the kitchen. It was set up well, and she mentally thanked both Aden and the previous cook. So occupied with making sure her pan-roasted garlic didn’t burn, she jumped at the sound of male voices. Only the sudden impact of Dash wrapping his arms around her legs made her stay in place and not reach for a knife out of habit.

  “Damn, this smells like I died and went to heaven!”

  “Don’t know what you’re making but I’ll take anything you’re cooking.”

  Garnet lifted her sauté pan off the heat and turned as best as she could with Dash clinging to her. Two Deserati demons stood there, arms crossed and wide grins on their faces. With the same dark hair as Aden, they were as tall and muscular as he, and almost as good-looking. One swiped an apple from a fruit bowl near the door and took a huge bite.