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On Wicked Ground (Solsti Prophecy Book 4) Page 15
On Wicked Ground (Solsti Prophecy Book 4) Read online
Page 15
Caine listened without interrupting, stroking her back and shoulders, wrapping his arms around her when she finished. “Holy shit, that’s intense. All that time, your element was fixing you,” he trailed a finger down her sternum and stopped above her heart, “fixing this. And your family never thought they’d see you again.”
“I know.” She shivered. “All of that time, all that magical energy, for me…It makes me feel humble, and also like I have this huge responsibility and I better not screw it up.”
“What makes you think you’ll screw it up?”
“I just found out what I can do. Why did it take so long? I mean,” she shoved a long lock of bangs out of her face. “I could’ve been working on my ability, getting stronger, for years. But all I was doing was stealing.”
“Maybe it was to keep you safe until you were strong enough to protect yourself. Or until you found people to protect you. You’re small, and so is your dad. You would’ve been vulnerable. Some predatory demon could’ve captured you, or used Sebastian as leverage to get you to do his dirty work.” He laced their fingers together. “Now you have the entire Lash Watcher compound at your back.”
Her shoulders sagged. “Yes, I know, and I’m grateful. I truly am.” They had taken her in, stitched her up, brought in her dad…provided shelter and safety. It was time to put on her big girl panties and learn to use her ability as best she could, as fast as she could. Time to embrace her purpose. So what if she could never fall in love. It wasn’t something she had ever dreamed of. She had a new family and the obligation to make sure all the events of the past few days weren’t for nothing. She had an enemy to defeat, somewhere.
She turned to Caine. “Will you help me practice?”
A smile flickered across his handsome face. “I’ll help you with anything, Boots. But I’m not sure if working on your talent around buildings is a good idea.”
She frowned. “Oh, damn, you’re right.” The last thing she wanted was to bring Arawn’s beautiful headquarters down in an earthquake. “Where can we go?”
“Don’t know. We’ll have to talk to Arawn first. He would keep you and your sisters on lockdown if he could, just to make sure you stayed safe.”
“But they have strong Watcher mates.”
“Yeah, and they were still compromised.”
She grimaced.
“Sorry, baby. But we don’t know exactly how Elegia, if she’s the one, plans to attack.”
“You’re right. Can’t we just have a super tight cloaking spell or something? There’s a bunch of witches on staff here, right?”
“Yes. That’s one idea. We’ll see what the big guy says. He may want to send a group to guard you, if you go off site.”
“Hmm.” She frowned. “If so, you better be part of it.”
“Count on it.” He pressed a swift kiss to her lips, groaning when she threaded her hands into his hair and held on. “You taste so sweet. But we need to get back.”
She pretended to pout. “Why?”
“I bet people are looking for you, aren’t they?”
She shrugged. “They let me sleep off the spell in the quiet room.” Just then, her stomach rumbled.
“Let’s get you something to eat. Can’t have a hungry Solsti.”
“Okay.” She found her clothes and got dressed. “What are you going to do?”
“I have sparring tonight. We all have to keep our skills up, and we rotate different fight techniques with each other.” He pulled his T-shirt over his head. “Wanna watch?”
“Can I?” Her spirits lifted at the thought of watching him show off his skills. She’d mostly seen him, well, watching. And their night at Hell’s Gate barely counted, as she’d only gotten quick glimpses of him in the chaos.
“Of course.” He smacked her ass. “You can cheer me on.”
HOURS LATER, AFTER A DELICIOUS dinner of roast beef complete with all the side dishes a girl could want, Alina sat with Gin in the backyard of the Watcher compound. Backyard being a flexible term, because it was the size of a football field.
A set of tiered benches lined one end of the grassy expanse. Alina had climbed to the top, as she usually did, because she always got a better view from higher up. Hazard of being so darn short.
Gin looked around the couple dozen Lash demons sitting around them to watch the sparring session. “All we need is popcorn,” she murmured.
“After that meal? I couldn’t eat another bite,” Alina said. She was glad to have the company of her next-oldest sister. She had a lifetime of memories and stories and quirks to absorb about each of them.
Dinner had been a barrage of questions, asked in polite ways, about her session with Whysper. Alina had told them the same version of the story she’d told Caine, which was the whole thing minus the part about the price she had to pay. Thankfully she’d intercepted Sebastian and Ashina beforehand and informed them she’d be leaving that part out.
Nicole and Brooke had disappeared with their mates right after the meal, with hasty excuses muttered in between giggles and blushes. She’d heard that mates could sense each other’s emotion. If the guys were feeling the hormonal effects of the solstice, then her sisters must be as well. And if the emotional charge between mates was anything like the heat she felt from Caine, then intensified by the bond, Alina couldn’t comprehend how they were even able to carry on a rational conversation.
She stared in blatant appreciation now as Caine stripped off his shirt and stepped into a white circle painted on the grass. Every muscle rippled, every ridge perfectly carved. He carried a sword and had a dagger strapped to his thigh. His hair was pulled back into a queue, and he looked formidable and focused, just like the night she’d met him.
Mathias followed him, shirtless as well. Alina couldn’t suppress a gasp as she caught sight of the intricate markings on his chest and shoulder. “My god, that tattoo!” Her hand flew to her mouth. “That had to hurt like a bitch.” Because of the accelerated healing abilities of the Lash demons, tattoo ink only adhered to their skin if mixed with Viper venom. She’d never had trouble with Vipers, but their painful venom was deadly to smaller creatures and could incapacitate larger ones.
“I know.” Gin grimaced. “He said it was awful. He got it when he was deep undercover with a group of dark elves. Way before I met him.”
“Ugh, dark elves.” Alina shuddered. “When did you meet Mathias, anyway?”
A smile of pure love lit Gin’s face. “Not that long ago, actually.”
Love. Alina fought the surprising pang of resentment and resisted the urge to frown. “Was it love at first sight?”
Gin laughed. “No. Lust, maybe. I was his assignment.”
“What do you mean?”
“I didn’t want to use my talent at first. He…convinced me.” Gin blew a kiss to her mate, who shot her a quick wink before circling Caine.
Alina guessed there was more to her sister’s story, but couldn’t look away from Caine. He moved with the fluid grace of a panther, and when he struck out with his sword, she heard it before she saw it. He was lightning fast, but the Hunter matched him at every turn.
“So…um, Caine brought you here? After you guys were at a club?” Gin asked, a note in her voice that hinted at more questions.
“Well, yes, but we weren’t at the club together. I mean, we were both there. We talked...but yeah. Things went downhill fast once those elves started fighting.” Alina looked at the men in the ring, not sure if she wanted to answer questions about her and Caine. In a second ring, Ria faced off against Brenin.
In her peripheral vision, she saw Gin turn to her. “You know all Lash have an enhanced sense of smell, right?”
“Yeah. Wish I did.”
“And Mathias has the strongest nose of them all.”
Where is she going with this? Alina faced her sister. “And…?”
“I just thought you should know, you and Caine…” Gin’s green eyes dropped to her hands and then, dancing w
ith mischief, flicked up to Alina’s. “…your scents are all over each other.”
“What?” Her jaw dropped. “That’s no one else’s business!”
Gin held up a hand. “I swore my man to silence. He only told me through our bond. But the rest of the Watchers will probably be able to tell. At least until you shower.”
Alina made a face. “Great.” Then again, did she care? Apparently everyone thought she was special. And it was just sex. And it was the Lash demons’ fertile time of year, so they’d all be having sex. Lots of it.
Gin set her hands on the bench on either side of her knees and leaned into Alina. “Hey, I’m not one to judge. I just figured a sisterly reminder was in order.”
“Thanks,” Alina said. “For the reminder and for not judging.” Her cheeks warmed at the memory of Caine thrusting into her as he pinned her against the wall of the secret passage.
“Who can blame you?” Gin grinned. “I’m happily mated, but all these guys look swoon-worthy.”
Caine and Mathias took a break, each grabbing a water bottle. Caine looked up to Alina and smiled.
Alina smiled back. He was barefoot and clad only in black tactical pants, and the sheer perfection of his muscles was illuminated by the fire bulbs that winked on above the rings.
The men returned to sparring, and something Gin had said a minute ago simmered in Alina’s mind. “Why didn’t you want to use your power?” She wished like crazy that she’d known and been able to hone her skills all these years.
“I was afraid I’d hurt someone. I felt like my power was way more volatile than my sisters’ powers.”
Alina blew out a breath. “That’s understandable. I feel the same way. I have to be careful not to bring this place down in an accidental earthquake.”
“And you’re not afraid?” Gin eyed her curiously.
“No. It feels like this is my purpose. I do want to try to control it, though.” Alina shrugged. “A few days ago I caused—”
She broke off as Ria flipped Brenin to the ground and threw a choke hold around his neck. “Wow, she’s fast.”
“Yeah, she’s good. She was my secret bodyguard not long ago.” Gin watched her friend, who didn’t let up her hold until Brenin tapped out.
“Secret bodyguard?” Alina shook her head. “I have got to hear that story one day. And soon.”
Brenin leapt to his feet and shook his head, but high fived Ria. They walked to the edge of the ring, hands on hips, breathing hard. In the first ring, Caine and Mathias had both broken out in a sweat but moved with preternatural speed, as if they could do this all night. Silver flashed as they parried and ducked.
“Oh my god, look.” Gin pointed to the first row of benches, where Arawn stood and shucked his shirt. He strode to take Brenin’s place. “This oughta be good.”
The Lash leader made a terrifying figure, all six feet seven of muscle and raw power. Ria was tall but Arawn towered over her. Her eyes glinted as if she relished the challenge.
“I didn’t know he got down and dirty with everyone,” Alina said.
“Me neither.” Gin blew out a breath. “This is all so new for me too.”
Alina turned to her. “Well, that makes me feel better. I feel completely clueless.” She bit back a smile as an image from earlier popped into her mind. But I know all about a secret passageway.
Caine and Mathias dropped their weapons and switched to hand-to-hand combat. After a series of flips, holds, and pins, neither had gained the upper hand. They circled like wolves until the Hunter lunged. He tackled Caine and wrenched his arm behind his back at a horrible angle.
Alina knew they were sparring. But it looked too real, and anger flared in her veins. She willed Caine to break the hold and fling Mathias to the grass. Seconds ticked by. Everything else faded from her perception as she focused on the two men in the ring.
No! A sudden feral possessiveness washed over her. All she knew was that she wanted Caine free. Now. Her hands clenched into fists.
The ground let loose a sound that started as a groan and built to roar.
Everyone stopped moving. Alina’s power crackled in the air, building and coiling. A tremor rocked the field. Not huge, but enough that she clutched her bench. She couldn’t take her eyes off Caine. A web of cracks speared through the short grass, heading toward him.
“Stop!” Arawn’s bellow boomed across the field, competing with the rumble from beneath his feet. He aimed a furious stare straight at her.
Stop. Alina stared at the cracks in horror. Stop, now!
She released a breath as the ground ceased shaking.
All attention turned to her. Mathias released Caine, who shook out his arm and looked just fine. He shot her a curious, concerned look and started out of the ring.
“Hold up, Caine.” Arawn’s arm shot out in warning. He never took his eyes off Alina. “What the hell was that?”
“I’m sorry. It was a glitch.” Crap, that had to be her lamest excuse ever. She forced calm into her voice, hoping she sounded like the amazing creature she was supposed to be. “I’ve got it under control.” She cleared her throat. “You can finish your sparring.”
Arawn folded his massive arms over his chest. “Why thank you, Solsti, for allowing my practice session, on my field, to continue.” He gestured to Caine and Mathias to wrap up, then turned to Ria and resumed his work with her.
“Holy shit,” Gin muttered under her breath. “That was awesome on so many levels.”
“Um, thanks. But I didn’t exactly mean to do that. And I didn’t mean to piss off Arawn.”
“Pfft.” Gin smirked. “What’s he gonna do about it?”
Alina rolled her lips to hold in a smile. “True.”
Caine and Mathias finished up with a few practice holds, then fist bumped and walked out of the ring. Caine searched for her in the small crowd, finding her easily. He didn’t take his eyes off her as he started up the steps, his expression unreadable.
What would he think of her impromptu power display? She bit her lip, eyes raking his chest. Every muscle was so sculpted and perfect, she couldn’t help it. Just like she couldn’t help the urge to protect him, however irrational that was.
The bench dipped as Caine settled at her left. “Hey.” He shoved a hand through his hair.
“Hey,” she muttered. “I’m sorry about that.”
He grinned a lopsided sexy smile that quelled any worry she might have had. “I’m not. That was pretty fucking cool.”
“It was?” Her shoulders sagged in relief.
“Hell yes. Was that on purpose?”
She shook her head. “No. It was an accident.”
He shrugged. “That’s all right. You just need practice.”
Mathias climbed the tiers to sit on the other side of Gin. He wrapped an arm around her and kissed her soundly.
“You’re so sweaty!” She scrunched her nose, but her face glowed with happiness.
“Caine gave me a good run for a while there.” Mathias scrubbed a hand over his jaw.
“The old man’s got some moves, I gotta admit.” Caine took a long swig of his water and nodded at Mathias.
“Old man?” Alina asked.
“Shit. The real old man’s down there right now, in my sister’s choke hold.” Mathias pointed to the pair still sparring, where Ria had a seemingly solid elbow lock around Arawn’s throat.
“How old is he?” Alina was riveted as Arawn managed to break Ria’s hold and then tried to toss her to her back.
“Eight hundred something. Give or take a few decades,” Mathias said.
Eight hundred? Alina knew demons lived a long time, longer than other supernatural races. But this made her feel like a baby.
Ria darted and ducked, blond curls trying to escape her tight braid. Arawn stalked her like he wanted to throttle her, moving with lethal precision. Alina swallowed. “Um, will she be okay? Will he go easy on her because she’s female?”
“Oh man, do not let her hear you say that.” Caine c
“She would kick anyone’s ass if they dared treat her like a girl.” Mathias grinned. “She’s unbelievably tough. Not that I’m biased or anything. Just watch.”
Pride for his sister shone in his eyes. Alina turned to watch as Ria freed herself from a face-down pin, then whirled to block every one of Arawn’s blows. The two of them fought like they had something to prove, and Alina wondered what simmered between them. It seemed everyone here had a secret or a story—or ten.
Finally, Arawn snarled and pinned both of Ria’s arms behind her back. She moved to slam her head into his nose, but he leaned to the side in time. His knees nudged the backs of hers, removing her leverage, and he squeezed her arms together. Alina squeaked and grabbed Caine’s arm. “Oh no, he’s gonna dislocate her shoul—”
Ria gritted her teeth and mouthed something Alina couldn’t discern. Arawn released her.
Alina released a breath. “My god, that was intense. Are all your sparring sessions like this?”
“No.” Caine swiped at his face with his T-shirt. “We have more Watchers in house and less out on wide patrols tonight. Guess that’s why he joined in. Arawn likes to get in the ring or on the mats whenever he can. He just has to deal with bureaucratic shit more often than he likes.”
“Show’s over.” Mathias stood and leveled a wicked smile at Gin. “I’m taking my mate upstairs to do all kinds of dirty things to her.”
Alina giggled. Gin smacked his chest, but the heat in her stare was purely appreciative.
“Night.” Alina watched Mathias tuck Gin close to his side as they made their way down to the grass.
The sun dipped below the tree line, leaving only a splash of orange in the west. A few bright stars twinkled in the dark velvet sky and Alina looked up to study them. If she was ever out at night it was within city limits, and any stars were dimmed by urban lights. Aside from heavily populated areas, Torth was wild and dangerous at night, full of roving hordes that even the Watchers preferred to avoid. “Is there some kind of ward around here,” she gestured in a wide arc, “to keep the nighttime predators away?”