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Kissed By A Demon Spy Page 12
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Page 12
He propped up an elbow and reached for her, stilling her head. “Come here, baby.”
She released him with a pop and crawled up his body. Her lips looked sexy, swollen from working him over. “Where you want me?”
Her eyes gleamed with anticipation and need, but her words broke him. He vowed he’d never make her do anything she didn’t want. “Wherever you want.”
A flicker of confusion darted across her eyes and she gave a nervous shrug. “I-I don’t know.”
Ah, shit. He didn’t want one nanosecond of awkwardness between them. He sat up and shifted her body so she was lying on her back. “Let me take care of you.”
She smiled, eyes shining and uncertainty gone. His cock throbbed painfully, but he ignored it. He needed to make sure she was ready. He wanted to make her feel like a goddess.
He kissed her, tenderly at first, wanting to convey his feelings. But she ran her hands down his back, scratching him with her fingernails. She dug her sandaled feet into his back. The sharp edges scraped, like a direct line to his balls.
She rubbed her breasts against his chest. Chuckling, he broke the kiss. “You want my mouth,” he nuzzled the deep valley of her cleavage, “here?”
“Yes.” Her voice was breathy, her word uttered on a whimper.
He took one sweet rosy tip into his mouth, sucking and flicking. Her lavender scent was more concentrated here, and it wound through him, pushing him closer to the edge. She moaned and writhed beneath him. Her hands held his head in place but the fresh burst of desire perfuming the air told him she needed more.
He moved back to settle between her legs. Her slick body called to him on so many levels. He slid one finger in her tight channel.
Her lips parted and her eyes were half lidded as she gazed at him. “I want you.”
Damn if he could hold out any longer. Taking his cock in his hand, he rubbed it up and down her wet heat before positioning himself at her entrance. He nudged in, studying her face. It would kill him to stop, but he would if she needed him to. “This okay?”
She nodded. “Yes. It’s okay, I won’t break. I want you.”
You won’t break, but I will if I hurt you. Aden gritted his teeth and pushed in further, going slow.
She squeezed her eyes shut.
He froze. “Did I—”
“I’m fine. I just need a second to get used to you.”
The twin moons had risen and they cast a pale glow over her body. So tiny. So sexy. She rocked her hips up.
He grinned. “Guess you’ve adjusted.”
“Mmm, yes.”
He eased back an inch, then slid deeper inside her until he was balls-deep. They both groaned. He thrust harder this time, still studying her face. A sated smile played across her lips.
He leaned down for a quick kiss and thrust again. The little minx reached up and stroked his horns.
He dropped his head back at the absolute mind-numbing sensation of her hands on his horns and his cock in her body. “Fuck, baby.” Her hands dragged across them again, squeezing the tips and tugging. Holy hell. He thrust harder, a growl rising from his throat. His need to claim her overtook everything else.
He hooked his arms under her shoulders, keeping her in place as he slammed harder and harder. Her thighs squeezed his hips and her shoes dug into his ass. His orgasm built at the base of his spine.
Claim her. It played like a mantra in his head, in time with his thrusts.
He bit her shoulder as his body detonated and he came harder than he ever had in his life, pounding hard as his vision darkened. He managed to hold back his roar, lest he wake the village. Garnet’s hands dropped from his biceps and her legs loosened their hold, but he couldn’t stop. She felt too damn good. He plunged in again and again, even after he’d spilled every drop of his seed inside her.
With a huge gulp of air, he was finally spent. He collapsed and rolled them both so they lay on their sides facing each other. He pulled her close, feeling her heart beat wildly in her chest. Sated afterglow spread through his limbs and he met her eyes, staring wide with wonder. He stroked her cheek. “What’s that look for, sugar?”
“You’re incredible,” she whispered, stroking a hand down his chest.
“No, baby, you are.”
“I…That was the most amazing experience of my life.” Her eyes were bright with unshed tears.
Worry lashed through him. “Hey, don’t…” He reached for anything to wipe her eyes.
“It’s okay.” She smiled. “I’m happy.”
He stopped his search. “You are?”
“Yes. So, so happy.” She crawled onto his chest and laid with her head against his heart. “These are happy tears.”
“I can handle those.” He traced patterns on her back, following the delicate lines of her ribs, until her breathing slowed and her eyes closed.
With her in his arms, a contented bliss spread through his chest. This beautiful, tiny, brave woman had given herself to him. Yeah, he’d made it clear that he was interested and available, but she’d come to him on her own terms. That was a choice she hadn’t always had in her life, and her decision both humbled and honored him. He wanted every day of her life to be full of choices, all her own, big and small.
A tiny voice nagged that he needed to come clean about his scrying duties, and soon. He had to give her the choice to be with him or not, based on full disclosures. No secrets. It killed him that she might walk away, but he owed it to her. Holding her in his hidden space, hearts beating in tandem, he vowed to find a way to make this work.
THE SQUAWK OF SEVERAL NOCTURNAL birds awoke Aden. Garnet still lay across his body, sound asleep, her sweet scent permeating the air.
His ears perked up, detecting the rapid flap of wings flying overhead and into the distance. The birds’ pace was frenzied, as if they’d been spooked. Maybe the panther? Aden listened with a predator’s ears, his hearing acute.
A twig snapped out in the forest. Shit. Not the panther. The felines prowled more gracefully than that. A foreboding chill slithered up his spine.
He inhaled, but no suspicious scents drifted on the night breeze. His sixth sense, which was rarely wrong, was screaming for him to get out and check the village perimeter. The Vipers? He frowned. They planned to attack Laurel Hollow tonight. That’s what the big Viper had said. But Keegan had said they’d increased their numbers.
Aden’s mind cycled back to his last scrying session, when the second Viper had spoken up—or tried to. Something he was going to add to the conversation…Trying to piece it all together, Aden only saw half of the puzzle. Goddam it.
No more time to dwell on it. “Garnet.” He patted her bare sexy ass. “Wake up.”
She stirred and made a sleepy contented sound, then her eyes opened wide in confusion. “Is it almost morning? What—”
“No, it’s not close to morning, but I want to move inside. It may get chilly.” He dropped a quick kiss to her lips. “Let’s put some clothes on and I’ll tuck you into bed.”
She got up and pulled on her bra and panties. “What about you?”
“I need to take a quick look around.” He smiled, but had no idea how reassuring it was.
She frowned. “Is something wrong?”
“No.” He shook his head. That’s a lie. Dammit, he didn’t want to lie to her. “Maybe.”
“What?” Her eyes flared with alarm.
“I’d like to take a look around the village, around the bridge, make sure Ivydale didn’t get any unwanted visitors. I do it several times a week.” That was all true. He’d grown fond of this town, and checking its perimeter would ease his mind about everyone’s safety. He pulled on his briefs and jeans.
“I should check on Dash.” She yanked her top and skirt on and grabbed her sweater.
He shrugged into his button-down. “Yeah. Good idea.”
“What, exactly, is going on?” She turned to him, eyes piercing and determined.
“I don’t kno
w. That’s what I’m going to find out.” He ran his hand down her arm. “It’s probably nothing. I’ll be back before you know it.” An owl hooted, and a pair of nighthawks streaked across the sky, filling the air with angry squawks. Aden’s ill feeling escalated as they walked down the stairs and reached the landing for the second floor.
“You take a look around the village? Several times a week?” Her eyes met his, puzzled. “Why?”
They walked the short distance to her room. He blew out a frustrated breath. It was too complicated to get into right now, but the need to explain warred with the feeling that something was terribly wrong. “I’ll fill you in after I get back. I promise.”
Worry danced across her face. “I hope everything’s okay.”
“Me too.” He ran a hand through his hair. “I’ll call Leif and Luke, tell them to get over here. I don’t want you alone.”
“Okay.” Curious but calm eyes locked on him, allowing her inner strength to shine through, then she ducked into the room.
She left the door cracked open and crept to the bed on soundless feet. As she leaned over, a soft smile played across her face and she pulled the sheet up to Dash’s shoulders. Gods, she was amazing. If she could feel a fraction of the unease he felt, she would be shaking with worry. Or maybe he wasn’t giving her enough credit. Maybe she was strong enough to handle it.
Either way, he’d make sure she was safe tonight. He pulled his phone from his pocket and dialed Leif, who answered with a groggy grunt.
“I need you both over here. Now.”
Leif’s tenor changed immediately at Aden’s growl. “Be there in two minutes.”
Garnet came to meet him in the doorway. Aden ended the call. “They’re on their way. Let’s wait downstairs.”
She nodded and allowed him to guide her down to the first floor. The pixies were long gone, but had left the empty cookie platter on the table and the living room light on. “You’re making me nervous.”
“I don’t mean to.” He glared, unseeing, into the darkened dining room. What kind of asshole made his woman worry in the middle of the goddamn night? He didn’t deserve her, but his soul was ignoring that little fact. He threaded his fingers through her hair, needing to feel its silken softness again before the night’s events possibly spun out of control.
Footsteps running outside drew his attention to the door. Releasing Garnet, he prowled to the narrow window next to it and recognized his two kinsmen hurtling toward the inn. “They’re here.” He pulled the door open, just as Leif and Luke came up the stairs.
They walked in, each strapped with swords and daggers. “What’s up?” Luke asked.
“I need to take a look around. Check the perimeter.” Aden gave Luke a pointed look. His cousins knew about the Viper attacks, but he didn’t want to alarm Garnet needlessly. “I need one or both of you to stay with Garnet and Dash.”
“Do you need ba—uh, a second pair of eyes?” Leif asked.
Aden was glad he hadn’t said backup out loud, but Garnet wasn’t stupid. And actually it might not be a bad idea. His cousins were warriors too. Aden debated. The edges of town, closer to the tree cover, were more likely to be dangerous. He nodded. “Sure. Leif, stay here. Luke, you’re with me.” He dropped his eyes to Garnet’s dark ones. “Stay inside.”
She nodded. “Okay.”
“I’ll be right back.” Aden walked to his office, where he kept a locked chest full of weapons. He retrieved a sword and two daggers, and headed back to the living room.
Luke strode out to the porch. Aden pulled Garnet in for one more quick kiss, craving her sweet feminine beauty and struck once again by how small and delicate she was. All he wanted was to protect her. But all she wanted was to protect Dash. And he loved her even more for that. He reluctantly released her. “I’ll call you as soon as I can.”
She reached up to cup his jaw. “Be safe.”
“Always, sugar.” He met Luke outside, where they headed to the stone bridge. Aden glanced once over his shoulder, glad to see Leif looming in the front window.
He turned back to Luke. “I got a bad vibe.”
“That’s enough to warrant a look-see.” Luke pointed to one side then the other. “Vipers?”
“Not sure. Something spooked the night birds. If anyone’s here, they’re already close. No time to scry.”
Luke nodded and they crossed the bridge, pausing to listen on the far side.
Too much silence.
That sense of foreboding came back, full force, shooting prickles of ice into Aden’s every nerve. They walked into the cover of the trees.
Luke pulled out his phone and sent Aden a questioning look. Aden nodded. Yeah, something was off. Way off.
Luke typed rapidly. The men knew better than to talk at his point. His cousin pressed one final button, put his phone away, and mouthed Which way?
Before Aden could respond, an arrow sailed past his head and lodged in the tree next to him. The bark sizzled and a wisp of smoke danced above the arrowhead.
Only one thing, other than fire, made wood sizzle like that.
Viper venom.
Garnet’s nerves jumped all over the place. She was happy to have a formidable presence like Leif around, but she worried about Aden, Dash, and whatever lurked around Ivydale.
“What do you think is going on?” she asked.
Leif shrugged, giving no indication of anything. “No clue. Aden just likes to look out for the village.”
She frowned. “I think it’s more than that.”
“You’re right.” Leif stalked through the inn, peering out each window. “Aden’s an expert scryer. He can see things the rest of us can’t.”
All Deserati were known for their ability to scry. But she hadn’t known Aden was especially gifted in that area. “So what did he see about tonight?”
“If he had foreseen trouble, he’d have already stopped it. So this, tonight, I’m not sure.” Leif scanned the street outside. “But hunches are worth investigating.”
“True.” Maybe it’s nothing.
Leif pulled out his phone and studied the screen, frowning. That expression told her more than any words could.
“What? Did they say what they found?” Please let it be nothing.
“No.” He shoved his phone into his pocket.
“Something’s wrong, isn’t it?” Her breath was shaky. “Really wrong.”
Leif turned to her and opened his mouth to speak. “I—”
In a heartbeat, Leif had Garnet pressed against the wall next to him, between two of the dining room’s front windows. A soft sizzle reached her ears. “Wh-what was that?” she whispered.
“That was an arrow,” Leif growled. “Shot by a Viper and dipped in their venom.”
“A Viper? Here?” Garnet’s heart rate tripled. She’d seen a few of the snake headed creatures at Stroehm. They were vicious predators and when captured for the gladiator fights, always drew huge crowds. “How…I didn’t think—”
“A group of them has been attacking peaceful villages lately. Motherfuckers.”
“But the wards…they can’t get in, right?” Garnet fought to keep the panic out of her voice.
Crack! Crack!
Two more arrows, then two more after that, hit the window.
Leif glanced at the glass. “The venom will weaken the ward if they hit it enough. We need to get upstairs. If I can get to an upper window I can pick them off. Now!”
Garnet squeaked as Leif scooped her up into his arms and ran from the dining room to the main staircase. Just as they cleared the windows, a rock flew through, shattering the glass. The panes burst in a cloud of tiny shards. Leif made it to the stairs as two high pitched whistles tore through the darkness. Garnet peered around Leif’s bulky shoulder and her jaw dropped in horror.
Each new arrow was on fire.
The first two landed on the room’s polished wooden floor, followed by four more. “No!” she screamed. More wi
ndows rattled with the crack of a new volley of poison-dipped arrows.
“Shit!” Leif charged up the stairs, holding her as if she weighed nothing. “Change of plans. We need to get your kid and get out.”
He set her down when they reached the top. She darted down the hall to her room, panic pushing her feet. She unlocked the door and crossed quickly to the bed.
“Dash.” She gently shook his shoulder. “Wake up.”
Leif was right behind her. “Want me to carry him? We gotta go. No time to talk.”
Dash shot upright. “Mommy!” Terror filled his eyes at the sight of Leif. Even though he’d seen him before, it had to be a shock to be woken up this way. Dash launched himself into Garnet’s arms, squeezing her neck tightly.
“Out.” Leif held her arm and half pushed, half pulled her to the door and out into the hall. Smoke billowed up the steps, and the downstairs was thick with it. She couldn’t see past the fourth step. With Dash in her arms, she didn’t want to risk navigating steps she couldn’t see. “How can we get down?” She had to shout over the noise of the fire.
Leif yanked his T-shirt over his head and tore it down the middle, then tore it again. He tied one of the scraps over her mouth and nose and did the same for Dash before covering his face with the last one. “Back stairway.” He pointed down the hall. “Any other guests?”
“Two pixies in room six!” she yelled, heading to the second staircase. They were passing the pixies’ room when the door opened and the frightened creatures ran out into the hall.
“Come on!” Leif gestured for them to follow and they all hurried to the other end of the hall.
The back staircase was enclosed, so it was smoke free. Garnet took a huge gulp of clean air as they made their way down. Good thing she did, because the first floor was a war zone.
They emerged near Aden’s office. A wave of heat blasted her front. She instinctively turned so that her back would take the brunt of it, and not Dash, who she held as best she could on one hip. He was getting heavy, but she could sense his panic, and she didn’t want to set him down.
Flames raged along the front of the inn. Black smoke hung in thick clouds along the ceiling. The fire roared and popped. Sparks flew and timbers groaned.